Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Congress of Vienna

Date: October, 1814 - July, 1815
Location: Vienna, Austrian Empire

Europe in 1815
        In 1815, the Congress of Vienna took place. It was a political agreement to redraw the map of Europe after the revolutionary Napoleonic conquests and changes and restore the old Bourbon Dynasty of France. France gained its borders of 1792, the territories of the Duchy of Warsaw were divided amongst Prussia and Russia, Italy and Germany were left divided, Sweden annexed Norway from Denmark, Austria reclaimed the Kingdom of Venetian Lombardy and Dalmatia, and Russia acquired Bessarabia from the Ottoman Empire. 
        Moreover, a new organization called the 'German Confederation' was established, along with the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which includes Belgium, and the Swiss Confederation. Once again King Louis XVIII was restored to the French throne. By now, Europe was transformed back to its regular order, which is primarily the reason of the congress, and is what the British, Prussians, Austrians, and Russians wished most.

1 comment:

  1. Vile Europeans and their louzy congress; why on Earth would they want to transform Europe into its 'Regular Order'?
